FAQs Graduate
Does your program accept Visiting International Research Students?
Yes, we do accept Visiting International Research Students. Please see http://students.ubc.ca/about/go-global/coming-ubc-exchange/visiting-international-research-student for more information regarding eligibility and application.
How and when do I register for classes?
For information on course schedules, registration dates, registration deposits and registration video tutorials please visit: http://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/courses/registration
If you have questions about the registration process or your student account, contact your Enrolment Services Advisor (ESA). ESAs are available to help all UBC students.
How can I book the Nursing Student Meeting Room (T293)?
Go to UBC Nursing Room T293 Booking Page, simply choose a desired time on the calendar and follow the direction prompt.
How can I obtain a Proof of Enrolment Letter?
A Confirmation of Enrolment Letter—also known as a Proof of Enrolment or Verification of Enrolment—is an official document showing that you are currently registered at UBC. The Confirmation of Enrolment may be requested for a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) withdrawal, employment, or scholarships.
- Confirmation of Enrolment Letters for 2024-2025 Winter Session and later will be available through Workday. Follow the instructions outlined here: https://workday.students.ubc.ca/student-documents/downloading-your-confirmation-of-enrolment-letter/
- Confirmation of Enrolment Letters for 2024 Summer Term and earlier are available to download from the Student Service Centre (SSC).
- Step one: Log on to the Student Service Centre (SSC) using your Campus-Wide Login (CWL).
- Step two: Select Grades & Records > Proof of Enrolment Letter
- Step three: Select the Academic Session and download the letter.
Check with the intended recipient to find out if the letter needs to bare the UBC seal – if so, contact your Enrolment Services Advisor (ESA) or visit the Information Centre in Brock Hall.
If you require a program verification letter when applying to scholarship or award opportunity please review this FAQ on requesting verification letters.
How can I ‘un-forward’ my email & use the UBC hosted mailbox?
Please note, that the Alumni Email service (name@alumni.ubc.ca) hosted mailboxes) has been replaced by the UBC Student Email Service. The legacy Student & Alumni Email service (name@alumni.ubc.ca) will continue to operate, but no further changes to these aliases will be possible after August 17, 2020. For more information, please review UBC IT Student and Alumni Email changes FAQs.
Sign up for Student and Alumni Email address
What if I already have a name@alumni.ubc.ca email address?
When you sign up for a new Student Email account as an active student, your email address will change to cwl@student.ubc.ca. However email sent to your name@alumni.ubc.ca will continue to be delivered. Current students are encouraged to switch to the new cwl@student.ubc.ca email account to gain access to a range of UBC services, including Microsoft Teams and OneDrive.
While using the UBC hosted mailbox is optional for UBC students, it is the required mailbox of choice for students in the BSN program, due to additional complications that arise from communication about clinical practice placements, clinical practice coursework, and with Health Authorities & Placement Agencies (HSPnet) in BC.
You can 'un-forward' your email & use the UBC hosted mailbox by following the 4 easy steps below:
- Go to id.ubc.ca & log on with your CWL Password to reach the following Student and Alumni Email Service screen.
- If you are currently using a UBC hosted mailbox, make sure you already have the correct user name with your email address on the Student and Alumni Email - Home screen.
- If you discover you have mail forwarding set up, click "edit" under the action column on the right hand side on the Student And Alumni Email - Edit Address screen.
- On the Student And Alumni Email Address screen, select the appropriate alias (or type your own) under step 1 and ensure "use a UBC hosted mailbox is selected under step 2. Then select "submit".
You are now ready to use th web mail app for your new UBC hosted mailbox. You can log on here: https://webmail.alumni.ubc.ca (make sure you run the webmail app on the light version so you can attach documents).
You may need to reset your CWL password to allow for the changes you have made to sync up. Follow this link to reset your CWL Password Update Support (UBC IT Services)
How do I appeal my assigned standing (grade) in a course?
It’s important to be aware of the following posts/policy reference:
Please also familiarize yourself with the following reference documents:
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to discuss these policies and regulations, your first point of contact for receiving academic advising is the BSN Student Advisor.
The Office of the Ombudsperson for Students is a resource that is available to UBC students to assist with the interpretation of UBC policies and regulations.
How do I apply for the RNFBC Bursary Program?
The Registered Nurses Foundation of British Columbia (RNFBC) raises money for bursaries for students who are enrolled in basic, post-basic, re-entry and graduate education programs in nursing. All bursary applications are completed on the RNFBC website application:
Bursary eligibility is based on the level of study and type of program in which you are enrolled. Some bursaries also have additional requirements based on the wishes of the donors that must be met in order to be eligible.
Submitting your application will AUTOMATICALLY enroll you in the general bursaries for which you qualify based on your level of study. The application form will also present you with a list of the additional bursaries that have specific requirements for which you can apply. To review bursaries available for your level of study, please visit the Bursaries page.
Please note! All RNFBC bursaries are drawn at random from applicants meeting the eligibility criteria who have provided the required documentation.
IMPORTANT: Please review the How to Apply and FAQ sections below to be aware of the documents needed to meet the bursary requirements. The ’save and continue’ feature within the application allows you to continue to edit your application within 30 days of starting, or until the closing date, whichever comes first. After you SUBMIT your application, it will no longer be available for edits.
- Review the Application Information, Eligibility & FAQ's and follow the application instructions outlined here: https://www.rnfbc.ca/bursaries-how-to-apply/
- Please note:
- Your proof of enrolment letter can be downloaded from your student account. Proof of Enrolment letter download instructions.
- You will be asked to provide the name & title of the "Signing Authority".
- As UBC School of Nursing degrees are conferred by the UBC Vancouver Senate, the signing authority for students enrolled in UBC Vancouver Nursing degree programs is the Associate Vice President & Registrar for the UBC Vancouver Campus (whose name & signature appear on your proof of enrolment letters).
- Successful applicants will be contacted by Mid-November with instructions on how to verify your student status; you must respond to this email within 2 weeks in order to receive the bursary.
Questions about the bursaries, or if you encounter any difficulties, please contact: https://rnfbcawards.fsel.ca/contact/
How do I change my personal information?
It is your responsibility to maintain up-to-date contact information so that the University can contact you with important information and updates. There are several ways to change contact information such email postal addresses, and name changes at the University.
How do I evaluate my instructors & my courses?
As is the case with student evaluation, setting up ongoing dialogue to discuss learning goals, strategies, and concerns is a healthy, and professional, way for students, faculty, and practice colleagues to proceed in all courses. We encourage you to take your questions and concerns about a course, instructor, and/or practice situation first to the instructor involved.
Continue reading to learn more about Course & Teacher Effectiveness Evaluations, UBC online Student Evaluation of Teaching (SEoT) System - CoursEval, and the UBC Senate Policy on SEoT.
It is important for you to note that formalized Course and Teacher Effectiveness Evaluations are a vital component of ongoing course and teaching faculty development in the School of Nursing. Student input regarding the strengths and areas for improvement is reviewed and utilized in making decisions and planning for change. Collecting this input allows the School of Nursing to comply with institutional academic policy, make decisions related to curriculum and course planning, and incorporate student input regarding teaching effectiveness as a core component of teaching faculty promotion and tenure.
Electronic course and teacher effectiveness evaluations are a required element of your course and the School of Nursing invites you to provide your input using the UBC CoursEval Online Evaluation System. All ‘Course’ and ‘Teacher Effectiveness’ evaluations are completed online and all responses are confidential.
How to Complete a Course or Instructor Evaluation:
At the end of each term, you will receive an email prompting you to evaluate each course & the instructors involved.
Access CoursEval through this email, or go to: UBC Health Sciences CoursEval
You will need to use your Campus Wide Login (CWL) to access the system.
If you are having difficulties with CoursEval, you are not connected to the correct clinical instructor, or have any other issue/questions, please email: evaluations@nursing.ubc.ca
How do I find out about job opportunities, involvement opportunities, and other events in the School of Nursing?
Use the "Announcements" tab at the far left of the top menu to navigate to the most recent announcements from the School of Nursing & the BSN Program.