FAQs Graduate
What do I do if I need help quickly?
Student Health Services & Counselling Services have urgent care options for student emergencies.
If you are experiencing an emergency always call 911
Also keep these numbers in mind:
- UBC Mobile First Aid - 604-822-4444
- UBC Campus Security - 604-822-2222
- UBC Hospital Urgent Care - 604-822-7222
- Ambulance - 604-872-5151
- Campus Fire Department - 604-665-6010
- UBC RCMP Detachment - 604-224-1322 (non-emergency only)
Finally, these resources from UBC Student Health are available to students experiencing an after-hours emergency.
Urgent care - Student Health Service reserves several same-day appointments each day for sudden illness and urgent care. The type of cases we see at that time tend to be sudden illnesses that interfere with your ability to function as a student. Please use these times for unexpected illnesses only.
After-hour emergencies - If you are a patient at Student Health Service and you have an urgent concern that cannot wait until the clinic opens, please call 604.822.7121 and ask to speak to the doctor on call.
Counselling Services reserves same day emergency appointments for urgent concerns.
What are urgent concerns? Urgent concerns are problems or issues that must be dealt with immediately, such as imminent safety concerns.
How to access emergency appointments? You can request an emergency appointment by calling Counselling Services reception at 604.822.3811 or visiting the office in person at 1040 Brock Hall.
After-hour emergencies - If you call Counselling Services at 604.822.3811 after hours, you will have the option of being linked to the Vancouver Crisis Line.
What do I do if I’m experiencing Academic or Clinical Progression Challenges?
Please familiarize yourself with the following reference documents:
It’s important to also be aware of the following posts/policy reference:
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to discuss these policies and regulations, your first point of contact for receiving academic advising is the BSN Student Advisor. Please visit the “Who’s Who” page of the BSN FAQ Blog to find out the Faculty member currently in this role.
What do I do in case of Emergency at the School of Nursing?
There is a list of emergency phone numbers and instructions located in each room.
SoN is located on the third floor of the acute care hospital (Koerner Pavilion). In case of fire or other emergency all hospital fire and safety protocols must be observed. Please familiarize yourself with the information provided in the safety folder. Overhead speakers located in the hallways will announce and provide information during emergencies.
In case of fire (Code Red) locate the appropriate exits closest to you. Remain in the area and continue normal activities until instructed otherwise or the evacuation alarm is sounded. Ensure the door to the room is closed and that the lab personnel or lab instructor is aware of your presence.
If needing to evacuate (e.g. fire alarm rings continuously at 120 strokes per minute) immediately evacuate to the closest safe stairway exit and leave the building. Regroup in the parking lot outside the MacDonald Building (Dentistry). Classes should stay in a group with a faculty member and wait for further instructions.
What financial advising opportunities are available to students?
As UBC Students, students in the School of Nursing have access to a wealth of resources with regards to student awards and financial aid. If you have questions about your tuition, your student account, or information on funding and awards opportunities for all students (graduate and undergraduate) please contact the Enrolment Services Professionals at Brock Hall.
Reference for Undergraduate (BSN) Students: How to Contact Enrolment Services at Brock Hall
Reference for Graduate Students: Email your name, student number, and question to es.gradsupport@ubc.ca
What if I fail a course?
If a student receives a failing grade (60%) in a course in the BSN program, they must make an appointment to meet with the BSN Academic Advisor. The BSN Academic Advisor will take the student's case to the Progressions Committee, and together the Progressions Committee will decide on future steps for the student.
A few important points to note:
- In the case of an academic or clinical failure, both the practice and the theory component of the course must be repeated in order to advance in the nursing program.
- The academic advisor oversees each student’s subsequent progress and advises on academic options in regular consultation with the SoN progression committee.
- Subsequent planning and decision-making for students who have encountered progression challenges are overseen by the academic advisor.
- All students who do not progress to the subsequent term are classified as one of the following: academic probation, academic failure, or program failure.
- A student who fails a course for a second time, or fails two or more courses will be required to discontinue.
For more information, please review the Progression & Advancement Policy and Flowchart.
What if I have a question about a grade I've received?
If you have a question about a grade for the purpose of learning where you could improve or what you need to focus on to ensure academic success, you are encouraged to contact your course leader to set up an appointment to bring forward your questions.
Please note, the primary focus of such a meeting is purely pedagogic - and not an avenue to challenge a grade received.
If the grade you have questions about is a final examination in an NURS course, please review the School of Nursing Policy on Reviewing Undergraduate Examinations.
If you wish to appeal a grade you've received for a course, please visit the information on appealing grades at the School of Nursing.
What is "continuous registration"?
The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requires that you, as a graduate student, must remain continuously registered in courses until your degree is completed, except for periods when you may be away on an approved leave.
Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies - Continuous Registration policy
What is Academic Misconduct / Plagiarism for Graduate Students?
Plagiarism, as defined by the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS), is intellectual theft. It occurs when an individual submits or presents the oral or written work of another person as his or her own. This definition, taken from the UBC Calendar, applies to draft work and oral presentations as well as to final submissions. Failing to properly cite the work of another also constitutes plagiarism, even if it is accidental. Plagiarism constitutes serious academic misconduct.
As graduate students at the School of Nursing, you are students of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS). G+PS is responsible for holding all graduate students in its graduate programs to the highest possible standards of academic conduct. This duty applies to the full spectrum of student academic activities, from coursework to the thesis and / or dissertation.
Therefore every case of suspected plagiarism must immediately be reported directly to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, following the procedures outlined.
What is Canvas? How do I locate other Learning Resources?
Canvas is UBC's primary learning platform for delivering online course content. In Canvas, instructors can share materials (text or multimedia), enable student collaboration and discussion, manage assignments and quizzes, and assign grades. There are variety of ways technology has been integrated including as a primary means of delivering courses and programs (distance learning), to support and enhance face-to-face learning experiences (blended learning) and to support the self-directed and self-regulated learning of students and faculty.
***Please familiarize yourself with our Academic Resources***
What is CWL & how do I create one?
Please go to the CWL Signup to create an account.
CWL Sign Up allows you to create a unique login name and password. You will be required to provide certain information to confirm your identity and create a CWL account. Once your CWL account is created, you will have access to applications that use CWL for authentication, such as the Student Service Centre, Canvas, and Blackboard Vista.
If you have trouble with your Campus Wide Login account,
Problems With Your CWL?
- Support available 24/7
- Contact the IT Service Centre
- Browser Help