December 8, 2022
We are incredibly proud of these three Nurse and Nurse Practitioners of BC (NNPBC) awardees for 2022. As a colleague recently noted, "each has changed the face of nursing in this province through their commitment to the profession and major contributions to better health care for the population of BC."
Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc, Excellence in Nursing Advocacy.
Among Elizabeth's considerable achievements, savvy media presence, and vocal advocacy for nursing, the NNPBC takes note of her work to keep nursing education continuing during the lockdown. In the first weeks of the pandemic, Elizabeth co-created the position statement to the government about the importance of continuing clinical placements for nursing students, to ensure there were no delays in graduating new nurses during the pandemic.
Dr. Colleen Varcoe, Lifetime Achievement Award.
Colleen joined the ranks of the school's highly active emeriti this year and will continue to build upon her well-known research and writings that focus on violence and inequity, particularly regarding women and Indigenous people's health. Although she has received numerous awards, this Lifetime Achievement Award signifies the deep respect of the nurses of BC for Colleen’s exemplary contributions on behalf of the profession.
Dr. Fairleth McCuaig, Excellence in Teaching Award.
In her 34 years as an educator, Fairleth has taught across several health disciplines including students in the doctor of pharmacy, medical, RN, RPN, and NP programs, and she continues to strive to inform, influence, and encourage students, faculty, working NPs, and physician preceptors in their teaching and clinical endeavours at UBC and beyond.
Congratulations to all!