Announcement Type:
Canada Research Chair in Men's Health Promotion Announced
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The overarching aim of Dr. Oliffe's CRC research program is to improve the physical and mental health of men and their families by studying three major health issues: Men’s depression and suicide Tobacco reduction and smoking cessation in…
Impact of Covid-19 on Medically Complex Children
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Rob Shaw from the Vancouver Sun has done an excellent report on an in-progress study being conducted by Dr Jennifer Baumbusch. "As home support declined during the pandemic,...families are struggling with burnout, depression and other side…
UBC team launches art initiative to promote mental health of men in prison
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Supporting people in prison to create something beautiful during a dark and difficult time is how UBC School of Nursing associate professor Dr. Helen Brown and her team describe their new program to deliver “art and reciprocity…
UBC team launches art initiative to promote mental health of men in prison
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Supporting people in prison to create something beautiful during a dark and difficult time is how UBC School of Nursing associate professor Dr. Helen Brown and her team describe their new program to deliver “art and reciprocity kits” to people…
New Online Tool Supports Women in Violent Relationships
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Colleen Varcoe has teamed up with researchers at Western and the University of New Brunswick to create an app that could help women find their way through violent relationships. Read the feature story on the Applied Science website.
Spotlight on Long Term Care
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Sept-2020 READ | New Survey Shows Links between COVID-19 pandemic and BC Nurses' mental health
Sonia Acorn, In Memoriam
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Sonia Acorn - A Timeline of CareerApril 3, 1939 Born Sonia Griffin, Webster's Corner, PEI1957 Graduated St. Joseph's Convent and Notre Dame Academy, Charlottetown1960 …
Men can click their way to better health
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For more information, contact Lou Corpuz-Bosshart Men who regularly used a free web resource made significantly more health changes than men who did not, finds a new study from the University of British Columbia and…
Nursing Alum Lara Gurney Creates a "Wobble Room"
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This story was written by UBC Media Relations as part of the “Making a difference” series, which shines a spotlight on the many ways—both big and small—that UBC community members are helping with the response to COVID-19. Share your story with us at…
Statement on Racism
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As nurses, as a School of Nursing, we cannot and should not remain silent when acts of racist violence and hatred affect the health and lives of people in our communities. We stand together in condemning all acts of racism, including anti-Black,…